HROne does the operational lifting, so that HR can focus on the big picture.

HROne gives HR the freedom to automate, simplify and organize administrative tasks to shape the workplaces of tomorrow.

HROne HRMS to make your workdays simpler and offer time to focus on your people

For customised automation, simplified interactions and actionable insights- all power packed in one!

Get the freedom to configure the software like your own.
  • Easily configure policies at department, business unit and enterprise levels
  • Customize workflows for all HR processes, regardless of organizational hierarchy
  • Ensure data privacy by managing access rights at 3 levels
  • Create & upload HR policies in HR handbook
Onboard good quality hires fastly
  • Create job opening on web or mobile
  • Smart candidate sourcing and interview planning
  • Release offer letter using predefined templates or custom ones
  • Engage potential hires with recruitment management software

Manage employee life cycle from onboarding to F&F settlement
  • Auto-initiate of tasks such as employee confirmation, letter generation
  • Single click F&F settlement for smooth offboarding processes
  • Designate task owners assigned based on pre-defined life cycle dates
  • Utilize workforce management software for streamlined task management

Real-time attendance & 100% policy adherence made possible
  • Automatic calculation of paydays
  • Pre-schedule monthly attendance processing
  • GPS based attendance tracking for onsite employees
  • End-to-end attendance management system


Error-free & compliant payroll processing, every time
  • No more waiting! Automatic salary processing
  • Receive salary reconciliation report in mailbox
  • Publish salary slips to employees with a single click
  • Cloud-based payroll management software

Manage employee expenses in real-time
  • Auto adjust advance payouts for all reimbursements
  • Comfort to employees for updating expenses on the go
  • Configure expense related policies as per organisational needs
  • Effortless expense-related fraud management with expense management software

Achieve organizational goals with real-time feedback
  • Create, change or update KRAs and KPIs anytime
  • Track employee performance in 1-on-1 meetings
  • Share regular feedback on employee initiatives
  • Utilize performance management software for fair review

Get the freedom to configure the software like your own.
  • Easily configure policies at department, business unit and enterprise levels
  • Customize workflows for all HR processes, regardless of organizational hierarchy
  • Ensure data privacy by managing access rights at 3 levels
  • Create & upload HR policies in HR handbook
Keep an active watch on your company assets
  • Create asset types and subtypes entries
  • Assign assets permanently or temporarily based on request
  • Update invoice details and sync onboarding/offboarding checklist
  • Access activity log for each asset with our asset management software
Conversational ticketing system that gets work done
  • Improved ticket response time and quality
  • Creation of unlimited ticket categories
  • Rate agents for performance evaluation
  • Get insights of 12-month trend with helpdesk module
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